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Things You Need to Consider Before Using Oak Firewood

Buying and seasoning oak firewood is essential, but there are a few other things to consider. For example, you do not want to have a chimney fire or emit toxins into the air. If you use the right firewood for your situation, you’ll be able to get the most benefits from your wood-burning fireplace. Keep reading to find out more! This article will explain why oak firewood is a good choice.


When you think of firewood, you probably think about pine or other softwoods. While those types are good choices, they produce a lot of resin. Pine trees, for example, tend to be high in resin, and they often leak it when injured. Oaks, on the other hand, produce a minimal amount of resin. As a result, using these types of wood can lower your firewood costs. 

When looking for wood for your fireplace, you’ll find that prices vary greatly. Freshly-cut oak can cost anywhere from $150 to $300 a cord, while seasoned oak is less expensive. In addition, Fresh-cut oak doesn’t require any seasoning, while seasoned oak needs at least 24 months to burn as efficiently as possible. So, when purchasing oak firewood, consider how much you plan to burn every night.


If you have been using oak firewood for years and are looking for a more natural way to use it, consider seasoning it. Oak is an excellent choice for seasoning since it burns hotter than other types of wood. During the seasoning process, you should keep the wood off the ground, so it isn’t affected by moisture from the rain. To prevent the moisture from soaking in, stack the wood in sections.

If you have been wanting to start using oak for your fire pit, you can do so by following a few simple steps. First, cut the wood to the right size. It will help the air to reach it more effectively. Another way to speed up the process is to stack the wood outside to allow it to dry out in the sunlight. Finally, you’ll want to season the wood before you burn it, so make sure you cut it appropriately.


When purchasing oak firewood, the first thing you should check is its color. Green wood produces a lot of smoke, which indicates it is not seasoned. Hardwoods, on the other hand, burn slowly and produce less smoke. However, the smoke produced by unseasoned wood can easily build up in the chimney, increasing the fire risk. Therefore, if you want to prevent a fire from starting in your chimney, clean it periodically.

Before making a purchase, make sure to determine your needs. It is best to shop around by determining how much you need and which species are available. For example, a cord of firewood is 8′ long, four feet high, and four feet deep and contains varying amounts of oak. If you plan on burning your firewood outdoors, buy seasoned oak because it burns more cleanly and produces less smoke than green wood.


Choosing a firewood storage container is an important decision. The right container can help prevent the wood from becoming moldy. However, it’s vital to remember that proper ventilation is key in storing firewood. In addition to keeping the wood dry, it should be placed in an area where it can receive maximum sunshine. If possible, place the firewood outside. Exposure to sunshine helps remove moisture from the wood, so storing it indoors can double the drying time. When choosing a storage unit, make sure it’s accessible and convenient. Also, choose one that’s elevated and protected from weather and rain.

Stack your wood properly. Stacking unseasoned wood is risky because it takes months to dry. If possible, store the wood near a door where it can receive adequate ventilation. Make sure to leave at least thirty centimeters between stacks. Stacking wood too high can cause them to fall over, which can be dangerous and frustrating. If you have limited space, consider storing your wood in a ventilated area. If you don’t have a lot of space, you can use old washtubs or metal buckets. Using antique wood crates is another great idea. Even if you can’t find one, you can find a great way to keep your wood safe.


The location of oak firewood is important for optimal seasoning. Wood from the eastern part of the U.S. should be stacked in a dry, open space, preferably in an area with little or no moisture. It must be well-dried before use. Depending on climate and splitting and stacking techniques, it can take six to eight months to dry fully. Nevertheless, it is best to use only seasoned wood.

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