
Create a Google Reviews Widget For Your Brand

Gaining reviews and ratings is becoming quintessential for businesses to sustain and grow. They have become an integral part of the pre-purchase stage and people trust businesses that are rather transparent in their approach.

More and more brands are including Google reviews in their marketing strategy to be able to reach out to more people, boost brand awareness, showcase credibility and enhance the impact of the business.

Furthermore, as a part of people’s behavior, they perform a Google search each time they are unsure about any business. Indicating the fact that businesses must have a robust presence on Google alongside reviews, which can potentially leave an impact on the minds of the potential buyers.

But why to restrict yourself to just Google’s business listing, when you can use tem to boost the results driven from your website?

To understand this better, let’s go through the blog and understand quick ways in which you can create a Google reviews widget.

Google Reviews Widget-An Overview

You can collect Google reviews in a unified presentation and showcase it on your website without any coding process needed.

For this you will need a social media aggregation tool, which can help you in collecting, curating and publishing your users’ reviews generated on Google seamlessly on the website.

Tools like Taggbox Widget can help you moderate the content to make your widget look promising and accurate. Further, you can also add customisations and enhance the appeal of your feed to attract the attention of your audience and keep them engaged.

How Can You Create A Google Reviews Widget For Your Brand?

There are two ways in which you can create a Google reviews widget.

1.   Google Self-embed

Embedding Google reviews makes for a quintessential strategy because it helps in winning trust of the visitors. Potential users can know and learn from the past users experiences and can make informed decisions. Read ahead to figure out in which ways you can embed Google reviews into your website.

  1. Sign In to your Google business account
  2. On the main page, click on the share icon located in the lower right corner of the review.
  3. Click the options arrow in the top right corner of the shared post.
  4. Now, choose ‘Embed Post’ from this menu.
  5. Paste the code in the backend of your website wherever you wish to display the Google reviews.

2. Google Reviews Widget

Choose social media aggregators that align with the Google API and its algorithm. These tools are able to fetch all customer reviews from your Google Places and Google Maps locations.

Using social media aggregators, you can add Google reviews and testimonials to your business page and your website visitors and potential customers can check all the reviews at a single place i.e., your website in no time.

Create your account, choose the preferred platform like Google and connect your Google My Business account to the chosen platform.

Next, create your widget, moderate it, and customize it to maximize its efficacy. Lastly, copy and paste the generated widget code in the backend of your website.

There you have it – an appealing widget of your Google reviews.

Two amazing tools that you can use to collect reviews from Google:

●    Taggbox Widget

Tagbox Widget is all about collecting, curating, and showcasing feeds from all the social media platforms along with Google reviews. To add the Taggbox Google reviews widget on your website, install Taggbox Widget WordPress Plugin, and create your account. Then you need to follow simple steps for curating all the reviews generated on Google on your Website. The easy to use interface has made it one of the best WordPress Google reviews widget.

Benefits of using Taggbox Widget Plugin are:

  • Worth the price.
  • Numerous customization options are available.
  • Integrated with 15 social media platforms. 
  • Multi-tasking.
  • Easy-to-use Interface.

2. Tagembed

Tagembed is yet another amazing plugin to use for integrating Google reviews into the website. You can easily aggregate content created on Google my business page and curate the feed as is required.

Using this tool, you can customize your feed and enhance its look and feel to better attract visitors to your website and engagement. Furthermore, the analytics feature is what makes this tool stand out from the ones made available. The best part is its affordability, all the features are made available at a minimal cost of $9.

Over To You

Now that you know all the powerful and promising ways of creating and embedding a Google reviews widget, it’s time to actually make the most of it.

The clocks are already ticking and your competitors are on the move.

Author Bio

Hi, I’m Leo! I am a social media manager, formerly worked at Fifty & Five in LA. I have done my bachelor’s from Stanford and worked on many great projects, making me more proficient in analyzing the structure of various niches of businesses.

Read More: Methods to Embed Facebook Feed on Squarespace website

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