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How to Work on Argumentative Evaluation of Any Topic?


Writing an argumentative evaluation is the most challenging task. You have to work on the argument of others. This is what makes it difficult because you cannot add your arguments and point of view. For many of you, the term argument can be a negative term. In academics, it is not a negative meaning term. It means a point of view supported by a set of evidence. Whenever you work on argumentative evaluation, there are things that you should keep in mind. Today’s article will discuss all those things. There will be a description of the points you should consider while evaluating a piece of writing. So, let’s begin with the following question;

How Do You Write An Argument Evaluation?

Argument evaluation becomes easy when you know how to start it. Before writing an argumentative evaluation, first, you must know what an argument is. An argument is a point of view or a person’s perspective based on evidence. Evidence is necessary because, without evidence, it is an assertion, not an argument. Fact-based information is also not an argument. So, what are the things you need to consider while making argumentative evaluation? A list of all those things is as follows;

  • The details of the person making the argument.
  • Which authority authorises the person to make an argument?
  • What is the evidence in support of the argument? Has the evidence been tested somewhere?
  • What is the source of the evidence? Is it credible enough to take into consideration?
  • Are there any counter-arguments available? If yes, is their source also authentic?
  • What are the implications of the argument?

By considering all these things, you can do argumentative evaluation better. These questions solve a lot of your problems and help you in your evaluation. However, still you have option to buy essay online in case of any issue in argumentive writing.

What Are The Four Steps To Analyse And Evaluate An Argument?

The argumentative evaluation of a piece of writing revolves around four steps. The evaluator must evaluate the essay or assignment based on those four points. Now, you must be thinking about the four steps to analyse an argument. A brief description of those steps is as follows;

Summarise the author’s reasons

The first step is summarising the author’s reasons for giving an argument. Undoubtedly, behind every argument, there exist some reasons. The reasons must make sense in order to evaluate the argument. If they are not logical and do not have any sense, it is useless to evaluate the topic. Therefore, summarising the author’s reason is very important.

Access the evidence

This second step is the most important in the argumentative evaluation. The argumentative writings revolve around evidence. The author gives evidence both in support and in contradiction of the thesis statement. So, you need to access the evidence provided. First, you need to look at the quantity of the proof. See if the number of proofs is adequate or not. There must be a single piece of evidence for each reason, at least.

The second thing is checking for the quality of the evidence. The evidence must be a mixture of statistics, percentages and dates. The expert quotes and anecdotal evidence also contribute to the evidence’s quality. A variety of evidence tells that the argument is strong.

Identify the perspectives

Identification of the perspective also plays an important in argumentative evaluation. While writing on an argument, the author often leans towards an idea or perspective. He talks about it more often. Look, it is not persuasive writing where you see only one perspective. It is argumentative writing, and the description of more than one perspective is an integral part of this. Look to see if the counter perspective is described and validated with the evidence.

After you have identified the perspectives, evaluate the author’s tone and language. You will see a significant difference in his tone when discussing the counter perspectives. Well-written argumentative writings do not take any sides. They are not biased in their explanations.

Investigate the author’s credibility

 The last step to analyse an argument is investigating the author’s credibility. In this step, you come out of the argument. You look for the author’s credentials and qualifications. You can ask yourself the following questions in order to evaluate the author;

  • Who is the author of the argumentative writing?
  • What experiences qualify this author as an authority on the topic?
  • What are the qualifications of the author?

Hence, these are the four steps you need to consider in argumentative evaluation. The second step is the most important, i.e., accessing the evidence.

How do you evaluate a topic?

Continuing our discussion on the argumentative evaluation, let’s look at other factors that you need to evaluate a topic. A brief description of all the five factors is as follows;


The relevance of the topic is very important. It tells the evaluator that all the pieces of evidence are relevant to the topic.

Source material:

The source material must be authentic and valid. To support the argument, the author takes help from support material. It is important to evaluate that material and also its relevance with the evidence.


Evaluating the scope of the argument also holds immense importance. Knowing about the implications of the argument becomes inevitable in argumentative evaluation. You need to know whether the argument is for a policy or practical use.

Key assumptions:

No research or argument writing is perfect enough not to assume things. The important thing is that you must be aware of the key assumptions made while evaluating a topic.

Your understanding:

The 5th point in evaluating a topic is your understanding. Your understanding holds immense importance. After all, everything depends on your judgement of how you take things. So, your understating is also an important factor to take into consideration.

What makes a good argument for evaluation?

A good evaluation argument is well-structured, supported by evidence, and based on clear and objective criteria. When evaluating something, it’s important to understand what you are evaluating and why clearly. This means having a specific set of criteria or standards that you can use to evaluate the subject matter. These criteria should be based on objective and verifiable data rather than personal bias or opinion.

Furthermore, a good argument for evaluation should be supported by relevant evidence. This can include statistics, research studies, expert opinions, and other forms of empirical data that demonstrate the evaluated subject’s effectiveness or value. Evidence helps to make the argument more persuasive and helps to build credibility with the audience.

Finally, a good argument for evaluation should be well-structured and easy to follow. This means presenting the argument in a logical and organized manner, with clear transitions between ideas and a strong conclusion summarizing the main points. Effective use of language, rhetorical devices, and other persuasive techniques can also enhance the overall impact of the argument.


Argumentative evaluation revolves around many things. You can find the description of the four main points above in this article required to evaluate an argument. Your understanding of the topic determines most of the evaluation. Another important thing is to analyse the support evidence deeply.

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abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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