
Why is a clinical hair treatment interesting?

The cost of a hair implant is based on an amount of 57,000 pesos. There is the possibility of some variations, less or more depending on the technique itself to be performed. Having as main idea that it is a long-term treatment, which causes an important change in the feeling of the person who undergoes it, and that it is practiced in an outstanding clinic with personnel trained in the most advanced techniques, having a hair transplant does not It involves a significant outlay. There are also various ways to make the disbursement much more comfortable to pay, since the financing formulas provide the possibility of paying in installments adjusted to our needs. You have no excuses for not having a hair graft.

As you can see, having a hair graft process is the necessary change that many people were waiting for. Thanks to advances in implant logy techniques, it is now much simpler, has enormous guarantees of success and means saying goodbye to baldness, whether it is androgenic or caused by marks or scars.

How do you choose the best Dr. for a hair transplant?

Those who want to end their baldness problems usually decide to have a Hair Clinic Dubai procedure. The question that always arises with this is: What is the best clinic and the best specialist to be able to recover the hair? What clinic offers me the confidence that my result will be natural and for life? 

The reality is that in our research we found that there

 are few truly specialized centers such as the DrEO Clinic. Which has more than 5,800 successful hair transplants. This is largely due to the experienced leader of the surgical team, Dr. Enrique Orozco, the only one who has the ABHRS certification, residing in our country. He has operated celebrities such as Michelle Rodríguez, Faisy, Tavo Betancourt, Yurem, among others; today they know him as the star that operates stars and we proudly have him in our country applying the best capillary micrograft techniques. The reality is that Dr. Enrique Orozco has managed to place Dubai as a leader in Latin America in hair implants, since he is always in constant training, innovation and updating; His training, certifications and experience make him the ideal candidate to perform your hair transplant. 

Where is the best hair transplant done?

The recommendation of the international Medical and Certifying Societies is to choose a specialized center, with certified doctors and that belong to the main medical societies. Not taking the decision lightly will make us avoid a headache when performing our hair transplant. 

One of the most relevant questions is to analyze

 if it is a doctor or assistant who will perform it, this must be a point that you must consider. The next thing is also that the doctor has extensive experience and is not a “new competitor”, since remember they will be experimenting and learning with your head. It is worth mentioning that we must avoid “low cost” or low price clinics that offer surgical procedures at a cost well below the market standard, since although sometimes the decrease in costs due to the high demand for the service is something expected, In matters such as the quality of the capillary micrograft, one should not skimp. And it is that due to the increase in the offer that we now find both in Dubai and in a large part of the Latin American countries, it is often difficult to choose.

Read More: 3 of the best hair salons in Dubai that would leave you looking and feeling fabulous

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