Home Improvement

Loft Conversion Drawings Are an Important Step for Renovation

Loft conversions require meticulous planning and step-by-step execution. Even the simplest of conversions demands that the people performing the conversion are highly skilled and equipped. The step-by-step procedure of loft conversions has to be followed in any case. If it is to be ensured that loft conversions are executed perfectly.

As they involved a high amount of money, time, and hard work, they cannot be taken lightly. You need a contractor/construction company that is completely aware of not just the technical aspects but also the legal ones. Many loft conversions fall under permitted development rights and do not require planning permission approval but all require building regulations approval. Let us look at the step-by-step procedure for loft conversions.

Loft conversion drawings and plan

One of the most important steps in the conversion process is laying out the entire loft conversion plan along with Loft Conversion Drawings.  Engineering drawings are required for almost every other construction project. Whether it is loft conversion or house extension Southampton. Architects along with engineers will perform this part.

Every drawing will be a blueprint for what has to be constructed. These are highly technical drawings and have to be prepared with commitment. The complexity of the drawings will vary according to the type of conversion. Rooflight conversions will have much simpler drawings compared to Mansard conversions. Your construction company should be able to clearly explain all the Loft Conversion Drawingsto you.

Checking the suitability of loft conversion

The professionals you hire will first have to check if conversion is possible and if it complies with planning permission and building regulations. They will check various things such as the loft height, roof pitch, and roof structure. Once they have identified the suitability, they will move to the next step.

Identifying the right type of conversion

The current structure of your home may be suitable for more than one type of conversion. You can select from mansard, hip to gable, dormer, and rooflight conversion. The choice also depends on your budget. Engineers and architects should sit with you and help you choose the best one for your home.

Identifying the right type of conversion
loft conversion drawings

Agreeing on the Cost

Once you have selected the type of conversion you want, the construction company should provide you with a free quote. The quote should include all costs involved in the conversion process. The quote may vary during the conversion. 

Planning permission and building regulations approval

If you agree with the quote, the next step the construction company will perform includes analyzing if the conversion falls under permitted development, otherwise they will help you to get planning permission approval.

In any case, you will require building regulations approval which the company should be able to get for you. Once this has been done. You can move to the next step.

Hiring the right company

The first step in carrying out reliable loft conversions is hiring the right people. Many contractors and construction companies offer their services for loft conversions. The ideal one should be well experienced and should have a qualified team of professionals. A company led by civil engineers will have an edge over others.

The company should ideally have in-house architects, engineers, plumbers, and electricians. They should be completely aware of building regulations and planning permission requirements. Whether you are carrying out a loft conversion or a House Extension Southampton, hiring the right people is the most important step.

Getting the supplies

Once all drawings have been prepared, the construction company will procure all the supplies necessary for the loft conversion. They will also procure any additional utilities you have chosen to install.

Supplies may include flooring material, electrical utilities, plumbing utilities, windows, etc. A well established and experienced construction company should be able to procure the best supplies and do their best to provide you with discounts.

Conversion begins

Once everything is in place, the construction company will begin the project. Depending on the type of conversion, they will assign duties to different people. The total time for the conversion will also vary according to the type of conversion and may take months.

Important things to remember

  • Building regulations approval is required for every type of conversion. Regardless of whether you require planning permission or not.
  • Building regulations may require that you submit the loft conversion drawings.
  • Your construction company should regularly update the building regulations authorities about every significant milestone completed in the loft conversion process.
  • Take quotes from three different construction companies and do a comparative cost analysis before selecting one.

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