
The History of Farsi Language in Sub-Continent

When we talk about the Arabic language, the region that comes to our mind is the Middle East. Similarly, when we talk about Hindi and Urdu, the region that comes to our mind is the Sub-continent.

 If you want to expand your business in the subcontinent then you should go for translation services according to your target market. Apart from such languages, some languages play an important role in the history of many countries. Farsi is considered one such language. For many years Farsi was used in administration and cultural activities in the sub-continent.

 It came into the sub-continent in the 12th century through Persiophile and it played a role like English in the sub-continent. Therefore, if you want to understand the rich history of the sub-continent then you should go for Farsi translation services.


In the 17th century, the Marathi Shivaji tried to communicate with Rajastani Jai Singh who was the general of the Mughal army in the Deccan in the Farsi language. The elite class of Bengal in the 19th century speaks both Persian and Bangali. Raja Ram Mohan Roy wrote and edited a Farsi newspaper in the Sub-continent.

There was another renowned Farsi poet named Debendranath Tagore and a Hafez from the 17th century. The impact of Farsi was so dominant in the Sub-continent that Hindi takes its name from a Farsi word that means Indian. With the invasion of Raj, the English replaced Farsi.

However, remnants of the language still prevail in India. You can understand the enriched history of any country through the previous languages that are spoken there. Professional Farsi translation services are of great use to you if you want to get insights into subcontinent history.

Farsi’s arrival in the sub-continent was also because of Greater Iran. When Muslim emperors conquer Iran then-new Iranian-Islamic empires emerged promoting the Farsi culture in the Muslim world. 

This era was called Iranian Intermezzo and lasted from the 9th to the 10th century. Arabic claimed a significant role in the refinement of the Farsi language. Farsi has developed its vocabulary from the Arabic language. To know how Arabic developed this language, you should opt for professional Arabic translation services.

Important Languages Spoken in India

Do you know that major Indian languages are closely related to Persian languages? The important languages spoken in India are Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Telugu, and Punjabi. These languages are more influenced by the Farsi language.


Urdu is one of the important Indian languages that emerged as an independent language at the end of the 4th century AD. This language was spoken by the Muslims of India. The Urdu language came into existence through the interaction of Farsi and Indian languages.

Urdu borrowed many loan words from the Arabic language. When Turks and Mongols came to India, they introduced Arabic and Farsi languages to the sub-continent. 

The interaction between Turkish people and soldiers during the Delhi conquest became the cause of Urdu’s emergence in the Subcontinent. The Urdu language is from the family of Indo-Aryan branches which is part of Indo-European languages.

It is the official language of the Muslim community and it is a lingua Franca of Pakistan. If you want to know how Urdu has taken loan words from the Arabic language then, you must go for Arabic translation services


Bengali is one of the major important languages of India. It is also impacted by the Farsi language in the history of the subcontinent. Bengali is from the family of the Indo-Aryan language. 

It is the official language of West Bengal and Bangladesh. Bengali is considered one of the sweetest languages from around the world. If you have a love for poetry and prose then you must go for the Bengali language. 

The history of the Bengali language is divided into three periods. The first one is the old Bengali period, the middle Bengali period, and the modern Bengali period. The old Bengali started from 950 A.D and continued up to 12OO A.D.

The modern Bengali period started in 18OO A.D and the people of Bengal still used it as their native language. No doubt, Farsi was a major language in the subcontinent for many years and the Bengali language has also taken many loanwords from Bengali. However, there are many fewer native speakers of Farsi present today.


Hindi is one of three Indian educational languages. For instance, English, Hindi, and Local languages. It is the official language of the people in India and the government of India used it as a tool of communication with English for running the government operations. 

The Hindi language is from the Indo-Aryan group. Different branches of Indo-European languages are spoken around the world. 

Farsi has impacted the Indo-Aryan languages and it played a massive role in the emergence of the Hindi language. The Hindi language is also influenced by other languages like Arabic, English, and Sanskrit. 

The main difference between Urdu and Hindi is that Urdu is written in Arabic script whereas Hindi is written in Devanagari script. To differentiate these writing styles, you must go for Hindi translation services.

Wrapping Up

Each language in the sub-continent has its significance. Farsi holds a historic and cultural place whereas Hindi and Urdu have an official place. Therefore, to understand the languages of the Sub-continent, first, you should go for professional Hindi translation services because it is spoken by the masses in the sub-continent. 

Read More: Why Should You Learn Farsi Language?

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