
5 Ways the Car Industry Has Changed Over Time

To us, buying a car should be fast and easy. That hasn’t always been how the auto industry operated, tough. We’ve benefited from the accumulation of technologies given to us by past generations. Nowadays, you don’t even have to leave home if you’d like to buy a car. Here are a few of the biggest ways things have changed in the auto industry.

1. A Lot of Shopping Has Gone Online

Online car buying in Canada is a great example to provide of how car shopping and the car industry, in general, have changed over the years. Just a few years ago, most sales still happened at a dealership. Everyone has had to learn new ways of living as technology grew in importance.

If you have a hard time actually going to the lot and looking for cars, online shopping really makes a difference. Most people say they’ve had issues finding a car because they’re so short on time. For many of us, our jobs don’t accommodate frequent trips to the dealer.

Going online to shop for a car changes the whole experience by giving you instant access to a global market. You’re no longer limited to what’s available within driving distance of your place. Once you’ve found the one you’d like, get them to ship it straight to your door.

2. Automation Streamlined Production

Cars were not something everyone could afford back when they first came out. In fact, for a long time, owning a car was a status symbol. Cross Country Car offers many services and auto transport options to ship a car cross country and beyond.

Most modern people must have a car to get by with their day-to-day lives. If they didn’t have one of them, just making it to work on time might not happen.

Thankfully, automation really made a difference to their affordability. Most plants only use a fraction of the human labor that a factory would have used 50 years ago. They’ve reduced operating costs and passed the savings onto the customer.

3. Outsourcing Relocated Manufacturing

At the dawn of the auto industry, world relations were way different. It was not an easy feat to run a successful international company. Most of the time, nations had strict tariffs imposed on all foreign imports.

Not to mention, communications had to be more difficult. Much of the world still hadn’t developed to any noticeable degree. Only the planet’s industrial powerhouses had the infrastructure to support an auto industry.

Today, tariffs don’t come up in conversation a lot when you’re talking to automakers. At least, that’s been the case until very recently. It’s still much easier to send your factory to another country and use foreign labor now.

4. Bluetooth Changed Connectivity

Connected to the car, your phone has transformed into a handheld media center. You had to put in CDs by hand if you wanted to hear a certain song at one time. When something caught your heart, you had to hope it was at the record store. Otherwise, you may not ever hear the same tune again.

Bluetooth is installed in the majority of cars today. That’s what lets you instantly connect your phone while getting in. Then, it’ll stream anything you’d like to hear using your car’s audio equipment.

5. Electronics Added New Innovations

Even better, Bluetooth made it possible to use your phone for more than entertainment. Hands-free calling gives people an easy way to talk on the phone while they’re driving. That’s really one of the most important changes that have happened to the auto industry. Before its invention, there were a lot more accidents because of careless driving. They’ve also designed GPS systems that tell you when to turn. They’ll speak to you in a voice that you choose.

The Future of the Car Industry

The auto industry has seen a ton of changes since the first cars were made. We’ve been huge fans of most of them, but the future excites us even more. Driving on a long-distance road trip always sounds like a lot of fun until you’re halfway there. Then, the leg cramps start to make concentrating way more difficult. Thankfully, automated cars are not too far away. They’ve actually begun testing them in some states. Some people have even been able to buy them as part of a beta program, too.

Cross Country Car offers many services and auto transport options to ship a car cross country and beyond.

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