
What Is the Process of Planning Funeral Services?

Planning a funeral is always challenging, especially if your loved one didn’t have a chance to communicate their wishes before they passed. Today, we’ll have a closer look at what choices you will have to make when planning funeral services.

What Is the Process of Planning Funeral Services?

To get started, you will have to make some basic choices, including where the body should be taken and whether it should be buried or cremated. You will also be able to personalize the service and determine what kind of final resting place is best. Your funeral director will help you notify family and friends about the funeral.

Making Basic Choices 

The first choice you will have to make is where you want the deceased person to be taken. Moving the body from one mortuary to another is expensive, so it’s best to select the right location from the start. To find out more about a mortuary, you should contact the funeral director and find out what kinds of services they offer. Then, you can decide whether the place is right for your loved one.

Next, you’ll have to figure out whether you would like a traditional burial or cremation. The latter choice is becoming more and more popular, and over 57% of Americans are now choosing to be cremated rather than buried. However, a burial could still be a good idea if you want to hold a religious service or if you want your friends and family members to be able to view the body for a final goodbye.

Personalizing the Service

In recent years, funerals have become a lot more diverse. While almost 50% of the population still thought that a religious component in a funeral was very important ten years ago, only 35% of people believe the same nowadays. Instead of a service in a church, many people are choosing to hold their service outdoors or in a place that used to be important to the deceased.

Because there are so many choices, you should speak to your funeral director. They can give you ideas about how to best personalize the service and make sure the funeral reflects the deceased’s achievements and character.

Letting Everyone Know  

Once you’ve chosen your funeral and mortuary services and set a date, you can let the bereaved community know. Often, it’s best to send physical invitations to the people who were closest to the deceased. However, you can also send electronic invitations or post the date and time on a website dedicated to your lost loved one.

Designing the Final Resting Place 

Traditionally, people were buried in a cemetery, and friends and family members could come and visit them in subsequent years. While this is still possible, people who are cremated can choose to be scattered in nature, or the urn can be given to a family member. In 2019, 35% of cremated people were scattered or buried, while 39% were returned to their families. Together with your funeral director, you can decide which option is better for your loved one.

When planning a funeral, you should start with the basic choices, such as where to take the deceased person and whether to bury or cremate their body. Then, you can personalize the service, let your friends and family members know, and determine what kind of final resting place is best.

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abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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