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Poison frogs characteristics


The poison frogs are a unique species of frogs who have adapted to the harsh conditions of their habitat, and there are types of these poison frogs.

Their poison is used for defense against predators and other threats. These frogs are also dart frogs because they often throw themselves at their attackers.

Let’s take a look at some more exciting facts about these fascinating creatures:

Poison frog’s diet

Poison frogs eat insects and spiders and may also eat small lizards or other frogs that they can catch with their long, sticky tongues.

Some poison frogs have special glands on their skin that help them taste the food before they eat it.

Those toxins are not harmful to these little creatures but can be very dangerous for us humans as well as other animals.

Poison Frogs Colors

Some poison frogs have bright colors on their skin, while others look like normal tree-dwelling animals without any warning colors.

However, when threatened or provoked, many will display graphic warnings such as bright yellow stripes or even red skin if angry.

The poison dart frog is one example of this type of species; its skin turns black when it is disturbed because it releases a chemical called melanin into its bloodstream from specialized cells called melanophores under its skin.

 In addition to these warning colors, some species also have unique markings on their bodies that resemble eyes from above so predators won’t attack them from above when they’re resting high up in trees but somewhat below where most predators would be waiting.

Poison Frog Habitat And Behavior

Poison frogs live in various habitats, including rainforests, dry forests, and marshes. They prefer areas with high humidity and temperatures that do not usually exceed 86°F (30°C). Some species live in trees or on the ground, while others inhabit burrows dug into the soil by other animals.

Poison frogs live in the humid rainforests of Central and South America, as well as the African island of Madagascar.

These frogs live on land and are very active during the day. They hop around quickly on their long legs, using their sticky toe pads to help them climb trees and walls when necessary.


Poison frogs are tiny, compact frogs that range from 1 to 5 inches (2.5-12 cm) in length. The poison dart frog is the largest of all poison frogs, growing up to 3 inches (8 cm).

Poisonous skin

They have smooth skin covered in warts or bumps. Some species have skin glands that produce poisons called bufadienolides which can be deadly to many animals, including humans.

These frogs have evolved this ability as protection against predators such as birds, snakes, lizards, and other animals that might try to eat them.

The poison works by binding with nerve receptors in the victim’s nervous system, causing paralysis followed by death due to respiratory failure.

●             Other characteristics include long, thin, and spindly legs and more extended front feet than those on the back feet, which is an adaptation for dashing after prey. Large and bulging eyes to see better in the dark, where they hunt most of their game.

●             Their back feet and toes are webbed together to help them swim quickly through the water. They can also use this webbing as a type of parachute when jumping from tree branches- this helps them avoid injury when landing.


Now you know the characteristics of poison frogs that can help you stay out of danger.

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