
How to Attract Learners  for Your Online Course

With better flexibility, convenience, comfort and cost effectiveness offered, online teaching platforms are now the new preference of educators and learners. This has rapidly increased the competition in the e learning field. On a similar niche or topic, several online courses have been developed by different educators and brands. To stand out from this crowd, and be on the top in this pre existing competition, the right professional and marketing strategies need to be followed. Let us  discuss the top tips that online course creators can follow to attract learners to their course faster.

Steps to attract learners for your online course

1.Make sure your website works smoothly

To grab learners attention, the pathway used is an online course website. While looking for the online courses, students research well over the internet. They come to know about your course via your website that appears on the search engines. If the website shows technical glitches and errors, learners will not get the information in hand. Because of this, they might look for the other options available to them. Also if the website works too slowly, nobody has the patience or time to wait. In this regard, you must work on your website. It should run smoothly to give effective user experience.

2. Learn from your competitors

See what the top competitors are offering and how they are grabbing the attention of the potential customers. Keenly observe what are their key elements for the win. You can also use the same or modify it more and include it in your course. Other than noticing and using the positive side, see what are the mistakes that your competitors made. Notice where and when they went wrong and how their market was affected. This will help you not to repeat the same mistakes. Using your competitors for the improvisation and betterment of your course works the best in this regard.

3. Give special discounts to the first set of customers

If we talk about how to sell online courses effectively to the first set of customers it is quite challenging. Without reviews, experience and previous enrollments, learners don’t prefer joining your online course. They like going for the courses that have been in the market for a long time. In this tough competition, to grab the user’s attention, try to be unique and different.

Who doesn’t like getting offers, and discounts. Fee discounts support students financially. So you also use the same for your online course sales. On your course website, or via paid ads, and social media, release information that you will be giving heavy discounts to the first set of customers. This will surely grab the attention of potential customers faster and better.

4. Collaborate with people of strong social media presence

Another way to reach out to your target audience faster, is collaborating with people with a strong social media presence. There are content creators and entrepreneurs that learners look upto. They are called influencers as they inspire and influence the audience with their work and social media content. Make sure to collaborate with the a person that suits the best for your niche and online course. You can collaborate with educational entrepreneurs, career coaches or motivational speakers. Ask them to promote your course on their social media accounts.

5. Give a sample study material for free

Along with researching on how to to create an online course, forming a sample study material is equally important. As we discussed above, there are many online courses options available to learners. To make your course the top preference, this tip will surely help. Giving something of value for free will help to grab the customers attention to your course.

Nothing can be more valuable than a sample study material of your course. Include a few video lectures, video presentations, ebooks, reading PDFs and more to make an effective sample study material. You can put this study content on your course website and give its free access to the visitors. Other than this use email marketing. Via emails send the free study material to the potential customers to reach  to their inbox directly.


In today’s digital world, there is a tough competition going on in the e learning field. By following the above mentioned tips, online educators can attract the learners to their online course faster and better. This way, creators can make their online course the top preference of the target audience and generate maximum profits.

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