
Is The Future of Aging Bright In Smart Surroundings?

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, people over the age of 65 will make up nearly a quarter of the population by 2040. With 98 million people over the age of 65 predicted by 2060, the number of older adults will continue to rise throughout our lives. Presbyopia and presbycusis, age-related visual and hearing changes, limit our capacity to carry out daily tasks, and these changes occur regardless of diet or lifestyle effort. With the help of a smart age calculator online, these changes can be seen corresponding to your present age.

Smart technology like sensors, voice activation, GPS, Bluetooth, cellular connectivity via mobile phones, Smartphone monitoring apps, and sophisticated computers are allowing an increasing number of individuals to age in place. Because more than 90% of those over 65 have at least one chronic illness, many seniors will have to deal with many chronic illnesses. That is why they must verify their age by using the age in months calculator to calculate age and let them know how they can take care of accordingly. 

The following are just a few of the many new technologies that are impacting long-term services and support today and/or in the future.

In this post, you will learn about the future of aging and technology.

Let’s get started!

What Is Smart Home Technology?

Smart home technology, also known as home automation or domotics (from the Latin “Domus” meaning “home”), allows homeowners to control smart equipment via a smart home app on their smartphone or another networked device, providing security, comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency. Smart home systems and devices, which are part of the internet of things (IoT), frequently work together, sharing consumer usage data and automating activities depending on the homeowners’ preferences.

Another important technological revolution is the proposal of an age calculator for sure. No doubt with this authentic tool, you can let yourself determine age accurately and nullify errors.

Numerous Applications of Information Technology:

Many industries have been controlled by advanced technologies; yet, aged care is primarily a low-tech activity. That may be changing, as firms such as Honor Technology and Home Hero Inc. use technology to match caregivers with those who need help. Both organizations have created extensive analytics that is updated on a regular basis to ensure that any full- or part-time caregiver is a good match for the individual who needs help. The schedule of a career, languages spoken, talents, and personality are all taken into account. For family members and children of elderly parents who seek a temporary caretaker, Honor provides an Uber-like service.

Robotic Care:

There are a large number of robots present in Japan. Their purpose is to serve humans, especially the elder ones. Paro the robot seal has been shown to relax people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Asimo, a Honda self-driving robot, can do things like gather meals for the elderly and turn on and off lights. Panasonic’s Resyone Cabot is famous for being the first robot to meet ISO service robotics criteria, despite the fact that it does not look like a robot. You can use an age calculator to determine when robot assistance is required.

The Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory at USC is testing socially assistive robots for assisted exercise and companionship on elderly people in the United States. 

Simultaneously, IBM and Rice University in the United States are working together to develop a robot that can operate as a safe substitute for a human caregiver.

Eldercare Robot Assistant with Multiple Functions:

MERA’s (Multi-Purpose Eldercare Robot Assistant) sensors will track changes in older people’s facial expressions, behavior, and surroundings. It will be able to tell whether someone has left the stove on, if they have fallen and require assistance, or if they are sick and require medical attention. Because IBM wants to make sure that each caregiver robot has all of the knowledge it needs to function effectively, this robot is still in the early stages of development.

Smart Homes:

Another way that modern technology may have an impact on elderly care is the development of smart homes and devices. An age calculator can correctly identify the ways in which technology can be beneficial to an adult. Rather than having a robot oversee daily duties like cooking, cleaning, and shopping, an older adult could rely on various technologies in the home to take care of jobs that he or she can no longer perform alone. When there is insufficient food, a smart refrigerator, for example, can detect this and place an order for supplies from a nearby grocery store or supermarket.

A Smartphone may easily be combined with a camera system to allow an adult child to check in on what their elderly parents are doing at any time and ensure that they are safe and well-cared for.

Less Human Involvement:

Technology isn’t quite there yet to completely eliminate the need for human involvement in healthcare, and it may never be. Science, or the study of aging and its challenges, offers tomorrow’s leaders the skills they’ll need to either offer proper care to older folks or aid businesses in adopting evidence-based programs that use the current technology to improve the elderly safety, health, and quality of life. An age calculator can highlight how technology has a positive impact on a person’s life.

Long-Term Services and Supports is a field with the potential to significantly improve the lives of elderly persons and their families. As a growing number of organizations employ modern technology to make life better for older people such as asking them to use an age calculator to know how old are I, persons with the relevant talents and educational degrees have a significant role to play in supporting older adults in living satisfying lives.


Technology and aging futures are both big. Advanced technology is evolving at a rapid pace, becoming a valuable resource not only for the elderly but for people of all ages. The impact of technology on a person’s life is estimated using an age calculator. But at the same time, you should be capable of using technology in a proper way. Otherwise, you will be irritated with the wrong use of technology. Because you will get no proper output and this will make you more aggressive.

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