
Why is Jira Training Important?

JIRA is the project management software that got launched in the year 2002. It was introduced as a very basic training platform for software developers. But now you can find it in two different kinds of versions for example core, software as well as service desk.

This system has expanded to encompass all kinds of project management forms and the platform is quite much successful in terms of leveraging several types of project management skills encompassing the development of software, agile project management, proper scrum management, content management, overall professional service management and more. People can go for Jira Training to make the most of this.

Crucial points 

Growing number of companies are making use of this particular software tool instead of other options in the industry. Perhaps, that is the reason that more and more people are seeking to get trained in it. Some of the most impactful points are as under:

Absolutely Affordable 

You know the costing of using JIRA is moderately less as compared to other software of the same. JIRA does not actually charge much amount. Hence, if you want that your employees should be trained in JIRA, you will not have to spend through your nose. You can spend a small amount and ensure that you upskill your staff for the better results at work. It is time that you empower your teams to take utmost advantage of Jira’s capabilities. From Jira Basics to that of even Advanced Jira, proper training helps the users and Admins on Cloud, Data Centre and Server get the maximum out of their tools. Furthermore, you can take assistance of Jira Service Desk that enables the learners to grasp the concepts without any hassle.

Learn Power of Jira Reporting & Dashboards

Once you enrol in a JIRA course or training, you are going to learn how to use Jira Software’s out-of-the box reporting and even dashboard abilities to view and measure progress and bottlenecks inside projects. In hands-on type of exercises, you are going to form up and configure a project dashboard and learn how to configure dashboard gadgets. You may also learn how to properly read Jira Software reports, properly configure a wallboard, and develop a multi-project dashboard. The training program or course may also discuss dashboard best practices and drawbacks and how to ensure your reporting showcases the right metrics at the correct time.

Jira or Confluence Integration

Yes, once you take up a JIRA course or training, you can learn to use Confluence to define product requirements, form Jira epics, stories, and issues and associate them directly to the product requirements without even ever leaving Confluence. You also get to learn about how to use Jira reporting to develop the dashboards that keep your team well-informed on project progress and overall status. The training may be based on a scenario that showcases and demonstrates how to manage a specific project, from inception to even completion of a sprint, with the use of Jira.


So, whether you or your team or colleagues in your office, learn from online program and ensure JIRA is on your fingertips!

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