
Effective Ways to Encourage Reading in Your Children

Providing interesting books that motivate your child can make reading enjoyable. Do they love reading animated books? Or is it dinosaurs? Getting the right books piques your child’s interest and boosts their motivation. Your child can only develop their vocabulary and trigger curiosity for knowledge through reading. As a parent, ensure your child develops a long-life reading habit as early as possible to succeed in the learning environment. Here are effective tips to motivate your child to read.

Create a comfortable reading nook

A comfortable and cozy reading space can motivate your child to read. Create a room with all the childlike stuff and see how it could be a changer for them. Let your child be comfortable and enjoy reading by having good lighting and a quiet space to relax and enjoy their time reading.

Know and Follow Their Interest

Children will be much interested and keener about a topic they like and are interested in. Does your child like cooking? Well, get them a recipe book. Or is it football? Or is it animals? Maybe it’s learning about their bodies, and reading about anatomy for kids might pique their interest. Providing books that you know your child is interested in will motivate them to read even more often because they will be curious to learn more.

Make Reading Regularly

Ensure that you always create time to read with your child as a parent. This will not only build your bond but is also known to help your child’s brain in learning by developing quick processing of sound and word relations. Also, create a bedtime reading routine to help your child relax before going to bed.

Read for Pleasure

Let your child enjoy reading for their own sake no matter how badly they pronounce their words or write in the grammar. You can also make reading enjoyable by having easily readable materials for your child. This will make your child feel comfortable and motivate them to read.

Ask Your Child What They Have Read in School

Show your child that you are interested in their learning by asking them questions about what they have learned and their favorite book. The more you ask them questions, the more they will read to answer your questions. This is an excellent way to motivate your children to read. Also, ensure that their books are always available and easily accessible to boost their motivation.

Show Your Love for Reading

Showing your kids that you also love to read can boost their interest in reading. You can have a routine at home where you can all read together. And you’ll see how your kids will develop a love of reading themselves with time.

Pick Books at the Right level

Don’t get books that will stress out your children. Please help your child read books that will be easy for them to read. They will have better experience in learning once they read books at the right level. How to know if the books are of their level? Pick a book of your choice and have your child read. Later on, ask questions and see if your child understood the book. If your child fails to answer the questions or struggles reading the book, try a different book for a change.

Allow Your Child to Choose a Prize

After reading a set of books, allow your child to choose a prize to motivate them. This will boost their reading, and eventually, their interest will grow stronger each day.

Make Reading Creative

Build up your child’s strength by changing their reading activities. Create a fun environment that will help your child want to learn more. For example, if your child loves drawing, you can create a book by folding papers, then staple the paper to create a book, and then let your child draw whatever they wish while writing sentences on the book. Let you and your child read the sentences out loud together. Learn more about working together with your child to motivate their reading and learning process.

Have Funny Books

Who hates to laugh? Nobody. Find exciting and funny books and read together with your child to motivate their reading.


Whichever method you use to motivate your child, ensure that you have different activities, games, and books to help in their studies. Also, please don’t be harsh on them, give them time, and eventually, your children will come through.

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