This Is All You Need to Know About the Rarest Multicolor Female Betta Fish

You may have heard of the multicolor betta fish, also known as the Bengal betta. This type of betta fish isn’t as common as the red and blue versions, which is why they are so rare and also cost a lot more money. If you’re thinking about adding a multicolor female betta fish for sale to your home, this article will help you understand everything you need to know about them. They aren’t difficult to take care of like some other rare fish but they have some special requirements that must be met for them to thrive.
What Is a Multicolor Female Betta Fish?
A multicolor female betta fish is a fish that has an orange or red body with a blue/black tail fin. In other words, the fish will have a few different colors in their body. However, if you see a female betta fish with a full orange-red body and a full blue-black tail fin, then that’s a different type of betta fish and isn’t the one we are discussing in this article.
To be accurate, the term “multicolor” is misleading when it comes to describing these fish. The reason for this is that these fish aren’t multicolored at all. The orange and blue coloring is the result of crossbreeding between red and blue betta fish.
Care and Feeding of a Multi Colored Betta Fish
Since multicolor female bettas aren’t natural and are the product of crossbreeding, they can’t be kept in the same water conditions as red or blue bettas. Instead, keep them in water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.2. They also need a higher temperature range between 75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Because of this, it’s recommended to keep them indoors to maintain the right conditions. While you can feed multicolored bettas the same food you feed the other types of bettas, they do tend to get fat and become sluggish. For this reason, it’s best to feed them only one or two times per week. If you feed them more than this, you run the risk of them becoming obese and developing health problems like diabetes and liver disease.
Housing Requirements for a Female Rarest Betta
As stated above, multicolor female bettas need a higher temperature range than the other types of bettas. Because of this, it’s best to keep them in an aquarium that has a heater in it. It’s recommended to keep the aquarium at 80 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. The aquarium should also contain a filter to keep the water clean and healthy. You should change 25% of the water each week, or when it starts to look yucky.
While the aquarium is important, it isn’t the only thing you need to consider. This is because you also need to make sure the aquarium is large enough for the bettas to swim around comfortably. Keep in mind that the aquarium needs to be at least 2 gallons per betta so they have enough room to swim around and breed. Additionally, make sure the aquarium is well-planted. The plants will help keep the water clean, provide hiding places for the betta, and make the aquarium look nice.
The Different Color Patterns in a Rarest Betta Fish
While the exact colors and patterns of multicolor female bettas vary depending on their genetics, their basic pattern is consistently orange or red on the body and blue on the fins. Now, red is the rarest of the 3 colors found on these fish. If you see a female betta with orange on the body and blue on the fins, then it’s a hybrid version of the red betta. Because of this, orange bettas are much rarer than red bettas. Blue bettas, on the other hand, are the most common of the 3 types of multicolor bettas. This is just another reason why you often find bettas with orange and blue coloring but rarely with red coloring.
If you want to own one of the rarest fish in the world, then a multicolor female betta fish is what you are looking for. However, you need to be aware that these fish aren’t the same as the other types of bettas. Nevertheless, these fish are wonderful and breathtaking and make a great addition to any aquarium. They are also very friendly and easy to take care of as long as you provide them with the right environment and food.
Apart from this, if you want to know about Tank Size Fits for a Giant Betta Fish then please visit our Lifestyle category