
5 Reasons Your Current SEO Strategy is Falling

If you’re a seasoned marketer or a long-standing business owner, then you likely have experienced the severe anxiety that comes with opening up your laptop and seeing a drastic decrease in the quantity of traffic that is arriving on your website. The problem gets even more severe as this can be seen in leads or sales that you’ve generated over a day.

Why is your site’s traffic declining? Although most of the time, an algorithm change implemented in the name of Google is the reason for a dramatic and dramatic decrease in traffic to your website, it’s not always the situation. There could be many factors that cause a reduction in traffic, and in some cases, it’s not a simple matter of pointing to one specific aspect.

We’ve compiled an easy list of five items to keep an eye on.

Make sure your traffic is down Instead of an Error in Tracking.

Remember the first time you created your site, and the Web developer or partner advised you that you required Google Analytics to see what was happening to your site to monitor its performance. The tracking code could be affected by changes to your website and updates of plugins, among others. This can result in a complete loss of visitors and indicate an increase in traffic (because the code has been deleted or is incorrectly replaced by the update).

The good news is that if you’ve been harmed due to an error in the tracking code, the traffic won’t be affected, and this can be supported by consistent leads or sales you make regardless of the data reported in Analytics.

The problem is that you’ll have incorrect data that you have inaccurate data in Google Analytics; this loss of data could affect how you track your monthly growth and influence how you measure what your partners in your agency are doing or your marketing team.

Finding the error in tracking in the shortest time possible is essential. 

  • Open Admin Toolbar
  • Click Tracking Info
  • Click Tracking Code
  • Check the Status

If the tracking code’s status shows that it is “Receiving Traffic in Past Hours,” confirm that it is operating properly and examine a possible alternative problem. It is also possible to add the Tag Assistant extension to your Google Chrome browser to inform you if your Google Analytics tag has been functioning correctly.

If you notice an obvious problem with the tracking, you could want to speak with your webmaster or agency partner for assistance in getting the issue fixed.

Deleted Pages

If you think this isn’t just a theory tracking or tracking issue, but you believe it’s an increase in traffic and possibly a decrease in leads and sales, you should investigate the matter more deeply to determine why you’re losing visitors.

One of the most common reasons for traffic loss that we’ve seen is when pages popular with visitors are removed. It is the most typical scenario when you have a substantial blog section with years of information on your site. Someone from the marketing department deletes the blog posts or increases the site’s speed because some of the blog articles are outdated without considering the implications.

Apart from inquiring with your partners from your agency and marketing team if they have taken any pages off the website (especially with no redirection), examine your ranking on search engines and observe any significant changes in rankings. If you’ve noticed an increase in ranking speed for a few keywords, particularly in the case of a particular product or subject in which the page visitors were arriving on is no longer there, it is possible to look into reviving the deleted pages or creating new content or re-optimizing other carriers, including service pages to restore ranking and traffic.

Google Algorithm Updates

In the end, Google’s Algorithm Update is the main factor behind the decline in traffic. The algorithm updates can be rewarded for the excellent work that the competition has been doing or if it penalizes your website with low-quality content or a lack of domain authority. It is often the most significant factor in affecting your site’s traffic (growing or losing).

Google isn’t averse to regular algorithm updates, and Google has warned that there have been more than 500 modifications and tweaks in the algorithms in recent years. Of course, marketers and businesses do not notice many of these tweaks, but, in most cases, with an announcement before the release, Google will release a large update. A large or broad update could result in significant increases in traffic or an energizing reduction in traffic.

By far, the easiest way to get reliable information about a recent Google algorithm change is to either subscribe to ranking tools such as Searchmetrics or AHRefs; or to subscribe to credible SEO publications such as

Once you are aware of the most recent Google algorithm update, you can remove issues and improve the way your website does compare to the algorithms.

Manual Penalties

There are two kinds of penalties that Google will impose. The second is an algorithmic one with a drop in ranking due to an algorithm change, described within Reason 3. The second type of penalty offered by Google is a Manual Penalty.

Google gives out more than 400,000 manual Penalties every month to websites that are judged to be spammy or are not in the best interests of those who use Google to search for things on the internet. This is quite a several penalties! According to research, only 5percent of websites are affected by penalties appeals seek to recover a portion or all of their ranking.

Suppose you think you’ve been penalized with the Manual Penalty. In that case, you will be able to confirm this via Google Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools) and also check for notices, or if you’ve been penalized by a manual penalty, you will receive an email stating what part of your website or web presence is not in compliance with.

Manual penalties are usually difficult to overcome. In case you’ve been victimized, seek out an SEO expert who will examine your entire website and the technical infrastructure as well as other aspects. A recovery plan must be developed and then implemented over time.

Another reason that your site’s traffic has dropped may be due to the recent decrease in multiple links with high authority. If these links were in articles but have been deleted or previously present in the paper but are no longer working, a loss of links may result in a ranking decline.

It is the most common when your backlink profile is constructed around syndicated links to local news outlets where multiple news websites have a single owner. The editorial staff may publish a piece of content on several or more different websites. A few weeks or even months later, it could be removed from not just one website but from many.

Furthermore, if you have several affiliates directed at your site in the context of an affiliate plan and one or more websites are no longer redirecting their traffic to your site or redirecting their traffic to another competitor. You’ll notice a substantial drop in traffic to your website.

The most efficient way to keep track of your profile’s backlinks is using an online tool like AHRefs, Majestic, or SEMRush to check your profile regularly for new referring links as well in the absence of old, well-established quality links.

There is no guaranteed way to guarantee your rankings or traffic, and Google suggests when algorithms change and when penalties have been handed out, or when tracking isn’t functioning correctly. There is no way to know what future results from search engines will appear. The only method to make sure that you are getting the highest search engine rankings and traffic over the longest period duration is to continuously and in a deliberate manner follow the most effective practices. Over time, your website will be recognized for this.

Read More: Have SEO Services Benefited You?

Which factors will affect your SEO strategy?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component of digital marketing, and a well-executed SEO strategy can significantly improve your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. Several factors can affect your SEO strategy, and understanding them is crucial to developing an effective SEO plan.

One of the key factors that can affect your SEO strategy is the quality of your website’s content. Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant, and unique content, and websites with such content are likelier to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Therefore, creating and publishing quality content that meets users’ search intent is essential for SEO success.

Another significant factor that can impact your SEO strategy is your website’s user experience (UX). A website with poor UX, such as slow loading times or a confusing layout, can negatively affect user engagement and increase bounce rates. Search engines use these metrics to determine a website’s relevance and value to users, so improving your website’s UX can significantly boost your SEO efforts.

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