Home Improvement

Organic vs. Non-Organic Mattresses: What’s the Difference, and Which is Best For Your Home?

If you’re in the market for a new mattress, there are many factors you’re likely already considering. One of the most important deciding factors is whether to go for an organic or non-organic mattress, as there are strong arguments in favor of both options. That said, organic mattresses are superior when everything is taken into account.

Read on to learn the important aspects between organic and non-organic mattresses and determine how to spend your money best.

The difference

The materials in organic mattresses come from a much healthier process than the materials in non-organic/natural beds. Natural mattresses come with “natural” materials, but the issue is that there isn’t anything natural about the materials other than that they usually come from a plant or animal.

Typically, they still include chemical additives, which means that the mattresses are far from natural because they don’t follow any regulations to remove the use of chemical additives.

In contrast, organic mattresses follow specific regulations to exclude the use of chemical additives and certain types of fertilizer in the materials, making the process of crafting the beds far more environmentally friendly. They also tend to have more hypoallergenic materials, which is fantastic for those who suffer from more severe allergies like asthma.

As with most organic products, organic mattresses are often cheaper than non-organic ones. You are paying a premium, but you will still get your money’s worth.

How to know which is better for you

To determine whether to buy an organic or non-organic mattress, ask yourself how much you value the pros an organic mattress offers that a non-organic mattress can’t. Some examples are the lack of high-VOC chemicals, pesticide residue, and additional hypoallergenic materials.

Not all of these things will profoundly impact how comfortable an organic mattress is to sleep on, as you can find plenty of non-organic mattresses that are equally comfortable. However, they’ll lack these different qualities, meaning you have to weigh how much you value the ethical side of how companies manufacture their products.

Upon figuring that out, the next thing to determine is the fewer options you’ll have access to. Despite being excellent, organic mattresses do not come in the same abundance as non-organic mattresses, which is not to say that you’ll have only a handful of options. You won’t enjoy the same variety you would when shopping for a natural mattress.

Overall, it’s a minor downside if you can still find an organic mattress that offers what you’re looking for.

Next steps

Many factors can prevent you from getting a good night’s rest, and an uncomfortable mattress is one of them. 

If you’re new to shopping for organic mattresses, don’t stress yourself by trying to understand all the outstanding benefits they bring to the table at once. Because they offer even more pros than the ones covered in this guide, you’ll have a lot to consider before making your purchase. The best approach is to identify what aspects are most significant to you.

From there, you can pick out the organic mattress that best meets your needs!

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Abdul Rehman

Abdul Rehman is a tech aficionado with a keen interest in exploring the latest innovations and trends. With 5 years of experience, his insightful commentary and in-depth analysis keep readers informed and engaged, offering valuable perspectives on the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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