
Learn How to Write Leave Application and a Notice

In the English language, there are multiple writing formats such as narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive forms of writing. While each writing format is to be used for particular forms of writing (for instance: narrative and descriptive writing to write stories, poems and visual representations and expository writing to frame essays and research papers), there are other forms of writing which have their own formats.

There are some very common writing forms that are used to convey different types of information and have a format of their own. A leave application is one such form of writing. It is used very often for personal and official purposes. Unlike other forms of writing, leave applications require you to follow a specific pattern and use formal language. While letters can be written for both formal and informal purposes, a leave of absence is mostly provided in a professional setup.

If you are wondering how the format changes, here is how.

  • You have to start a leave letter with your address followed by the date and the address of the person you are sending it to.
  • You have to also provide a subject line mentioning what the letter is above (in this case, ‘leave application’) and a salutation.
  • The next step is to write the body of the letter explaining why you are on leave.
  • Once you do that, you can end the letter with a complimentary closing, your signature, name and designation.

The other forms of writing include advertisements, notices, emails, blogs, job descriptions, etc. All of these also have particular formats to be followed. Let us look at how one of these works. Notice writing is generally intended to inform a large group of people about an event that is to happen. There are no descriptive or detailed chunks of information presented in a notice.

Here are some instructions to help you write a notice in the most efficient way possible.

  • The notice should begin with the name of the organisation that is issuing the notice.
  • This is followed by the title ‘Notice’ and then the date on which the notice is being issued.
  • The next step would be to provide a heading (for example – Parent Teachers Interview).
  • In the body of the notice, write down just the necessary details about the event, such as where, when, for whom, who has to attend, etc.
  • The notice concludes with the name, signature and designation of the person issuing the notice.

There is one thing that is common between the two forms of writing. Be it a leave letter or a notice, it has to be formal, professional, clear, concise and to the point. There is no room for any sort of extra information or shiny details in a notice or a leave letter. Learning how to write them, going through a number of sample leave letters and notices and practising to write on your own are the steps that will help you write them perfectly. Why wait anymore, start learning today.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about How to Write a Leave Application and a Notice then visit our Education category.

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