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How to Hustle as a Newbie Freelancer

The gig economy came with a new approach to the workforce: short-term contracts and freelancing. Today freelancing is a way of life for many, a career path that is different from ordinary employment.

Freelancing has penetrated a wide range of professions. Basically, so long as you have the skills, you can become a freelancer in your field of choice.

You’ve probably heard the claims that freelance work is rewarding, easy to get into, and affords you independence.

The arrangement can be rewarding, and it does afford you a degree of independence when it comes to how you work.

But there’s nothing easy about freelancing. It takes time and effort to make a dent.

If you’re a newbie freelancer learning the ropes and trying to get a footing, here’s how you can hustle your way to the top:

Create a Safety Net

Creating a safety net may not seem like one of the steps leading to success as a freelancer. In fact, some people set out broke and end up with successful freelance businesses, right? 

Well, another interesting fact is that only half of new businesses make it through their first five years. 

The takeaway here is that success depends on many factors, and one of the things that position you early on to succeed is an emergency fund.

Remember, getting your freelance business off the ground is the most challenging part. Many newbies give up at this stage when it seems like their efforts aren’t paying off.

A safety net allows you to focus on establishing your freelance career during that vital initial stage. It may also chip in to fund your efforts if your capital runs out.

Strengthen Your Online Presence

Freelancing is about selling your services to prospective clients, and the most reliable place to showcase your talent is online.

With a strong online presence, your chances of attracting regular business are high. If all you have is a Twitter handle or a Facebook profile you rarely use, your business will suffer. 

A solid online presence doesn’t just make you visible to clients. It makes you legit. Most clients will look you up, hoping to know you better and learn about your services.

Work on building your online presence, which includes:

  • Tidying up your profiles
  • Setting up a business page
  • Creating value
  • Engaging constructively
  • Practicing SEO
  • Keep Learning

The more you know, the better. As a new freelancer, you may feel you’re done with the piles of learning materials and want to focus on the work.

Keep in mind that the fastest way to get to the top is to become a subject matter expert. Those guys are easily hired and command the price they want, unlike the average freelancer stuck fighting for low-tier work.

You want to make learning an ongoing process as it’ll contribute to the amount of time it takes you to go from beginner to expert. If you want the progress to be fast, continue learning and polishing your skills.

Work on Your Marketing 

If you’re a freelancer and you’re not putting effort into marketing yourself, you might as well sell ice cream from your basement. You have to come up with a marketing strategy that’ll get you the clients you want.

As a newbie freelancer, you’re likely struggling to land high-paying clients. Most of the time, that doesn’t have anything to do with your quality of work. You’re simply not exposed to better deals. The only way to change that is to strengthen the marketing aspect of your business.

Some marketing avenues you could look into include:

Content marketing:

Use blogging as a marketing tool

Email marketing:

Use your pages to create an email list and send newsletters and value-packed emails to prospects

Social media marketing:

Take advantage of your socials to boost exposure

Paid adverts:

Invest in paid advertising to grow your brand using platforms like Facebook ads and Google ads


You want to attend conventions in your field and make connections


Freelancing is popular for its many benefits. It’s no doubt an incredible way to make a living. But it’s also full of uncertainties.

As a newbie freelancer, you’ve already taken the leap. Make use of our strategies to grow your business.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Web Development Company

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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