
Discovering and Using Your Gifts For God

Our eldest daughter Heather loves photography and over the past year, she has pursued that passion by buying a good Nikon camera, lenses and camera bag, exercising her skills on family and friends, starting a website and blog, and going for photo shoots. with professionals. I am thrilled to see Heather use her talents for God, and to gather all she can from others who succeed. We all have gifts, talents, and abilities that God has richly deposited in us for His glory. We don’t need to hide our talents like the lazy servant in Matthew 25: 14-30, but take them out of our hearts and minds, and bless others with them.

God has great plans for our lives if we only believe and obey Him. The acronym WATERS describes how gift for future daughter in law can discover and then use their gifts to further the kingdom of

Are you naturally good with computers and a great artist?

Then you would probably be good as a graphic designer. When you talk at retreats, do you get positive, encouraging feedback? Then you are good at communication. Your words carry weight and authority, so use that gift to bless others!

Do you love having friends for dinner and spending time with them? Then you can have a gift of hospitality. Do you feel deep or cry when people are in pain and trying to comfort them? You probably have gifts of compassion and compassion.

In other words, thinking outside the box. Allowing your mind to go crazy. Telling the inner critic to shut up, and dare to write that story about what happened in your bedroom one night when you were 5, or that you had an abortion when you were 21. Drive past the “nice and safe” zone in writing and talk, be real, go for the jugular in your and your audience emotions.

How can you best use your creative skills?

If you’ve been cutting someone’s hair since you were 12, enroll in a gift for pregnant daughter in lawand get paid for something you love. If you like to bake or cook, start a food supply. Do you think about horses the first and last thing of every day? Take riding lessons from a good trainer, and start showing up in English horse shows. Sometimes our best creative thoughts come when we just have fun!

Creativity also means giving you permission to try new things and feel new feelings, like going on a balloon in New Mexico or skiing in Colorado. Color outside the lines; use the big box of pencils with colors like Fuzzy Suzy Brown. Buy the new outfit for your wardrobe that you admire, but have never dared to try before.

To move the wheels, turn off the DVD player and take a walk in your neighborhood,

Look, listen, smell, touch, taste. Too often we get zoned and don’t even notice our surroundings. Do you know what kind of car your neighbor is driving? However, do you even know what your neighbor looks like or talks to her? Have you ever noticed that around your block is a home with Spanish-style architecture and an enchanting, almost hidden, outdoor garden like a miniature of The Secret Garden?

Go to a big zoo, and just look at the animals and people. Make homemade science projects. Read about strange things in the cosmos, like the roar that scientists say is coming fast

Read More: Top 5 Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts

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