
Bookshelf for Kids: Types and Benefits of Bookshelves

Childhood is the ideal phase to make kids fall in love with reading. Encouraging a child to read books from an early age builds their reading skills, develops their cognitive skills, enhances their vocabulary, and polishes their critical thinking. One way to ensure your kid develops or maintains their habit of reading is to have a bookshelf for kids in their room.

Having a bookshelf in the room will automatically make kids gravitate toward it. Developing the habit of reading will also make kids more innovative, creative, and imaginative. Additionally, from an appearance point of view, a bookshelf would give an aesthetic appeal to their room.

Why Reading Nooks are a Must-Have Addition to Your Child’s Bookshelf

In addition to having a bookshelf for kids, creating a reading nook can help children develop a lifelong love for reading. A reading nook is a cozy corner in your child’s room where they can retreat to read books, relax, and let their imaginations soar.

Benefits of a Reading Nook Having a reading nook provides a multitude of benefits for children:

  1. It offers a dedicated space for reading and learning, helping children develop a sense of responsibility toward their reading habits.
  2. It provides a quiet and comfortable space conducive to concentration, making it easier for children to focus on reading.
  3. It helps foster a sense of independence, as children can take charge of their reading and learning.

Creating a Reading Nook Creating a reading nook is easy and affordable. All you need is a comfortable chair or beanbag, soft cushions, a small table, a lamp, and a bookshelf for kids to store their books. You can also add decorations like posters or wall art to make the space more inviting.

Encouraging Reading Habits To encourage reading habits, stock your child’s bookshelf with a variety of books that match their interests and reading level. You can also set aside time for daily reading and create a reward system to motivate your child to read more.

A bookshelf for kids and a reading nook are essential additions to any child’s room. They provide a space where children can read, learn, and grow, developing important skills that will benefit them for years.

What are the Different Types of Bookshelves?

There are different types of bookshelves for kids that come in various colours, sizes, and shapes depending on the kind of room, the number of books, and children’s preferences.

Tiny Bookshelf

A tiny bookshelf is barely three or four feet tall and comprises not more than three shelves. You can stock books and toys on the shelves that children can easily reach, pick, and replace. Tiny bookshelves also ensure a neat and organised room.   

Open Display Bookshelf

An open display bookshelf is one where you expose the book covers. Seeing book covers is an excellent way to grab the attention of children. Books for kids usually have colourful and engaging covers, so having the covers on display gets their attention.

Rotating Bookshelf

A rotating bookshelf has a charm of its own. With a rotating bookshelf, you save a lot of space. Like merry-go-rounds and fidget spinners, rotating bookshelves will have your kids turning the shelves excitedly to discover their book collection.

What are the Benefits of Bookshelves for Kids?

Keeping a bookshelf in your kid’s room is highly beneficial. Instead of installing one in the living room or any other room, having one in your child’s room, where they spend most of their time, keeps books close.  

Extra Storage Space

A bookshelf for kids can optimise the storage space in their room and your house in general. With bookshelves, you can keep both books and children’s toys on the shelves, saving your time, effort, and space to find another area or build another shelf to store their toys and games. A functional bookshelf that can hold everything will allow the children to keep all their stuff neatly in one place without the fear of anything getting lost.  


Children have a wild and unique imagination. You never know what is going on in their minds. One day, they want a specific bookshelf. The next day, they want to add some features to it. You can customise bookshelves in any shape, size, colour, or design you or your child want. Bookshelves for kids are also very efficient as you can keep them anywhere in the room.

Growing Book Collection

Children tend to grow attached to their belongings, including books, but they also like to keep adding new things to their collections. Children can store all their belongings in their room with bookshelves and keep adding new stuff to their growing collection.

Final Thoughts

Buying a bookshelf for kids is essential to help them develop the habit of reading and enhance their cognitive skills. Bookshelves also keep the room organised and offer enough space for children to keep their books and toys.

Read More: Must-read books for students

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