A Must Do Night Time Skincare Regimen For Men

The skin on our face is different from that of the rest of our body. It’s more delicate and vulnerable to spots, marks, and reacts more with external particles. Having a clear, radiant and spot-free skin therefore, is desired by all, irrespective of whether we are men or women. All of us battle with some skin problem or the other, if you don’t, you are truly blessed. A sustainable night-time beauty regimen, if picked correctly and cautiously, can help combat various signs of ageing, maintain a hydrated and tight skin and make you feel positively confident.
The skin of men’s faces is different from that of women. It’s usually more rough and tough requiring a different set of creams and ointments to soothe it.
Men are also relatively new to the beauty regimen game. Given below are some easy pointers, therefore, to help you, a man, remember when buying a suitable retexturing night cream for men.
Always find out first if it suits your skin type
It might be labelled the best night cream for men, but it is not so unless and until it suits the texture and composure of your skin. Everyone has a different skin type and the kind of products you use should depend majorly on your skin type and then on anything else. In case you are unsure about your skin type being oily, dry, or even a combination of the two, you can always find out by doing a patch test. So, the best night cream for men is the one that suits your skin type.
Ingredients to look out for
Once you understand your skin type, you can easily read up on the ingredients that are good for that skin type. For example, essential oils extracted out of Rosehip or Geranium flowers are considered good for dry skin type, while Tea Tree and Lavender essential oils are considered good for oily skin. You should also look for specific ingredients that help in night time nourishment. Ceramides, hyaluronic acid, salicylic acids, these are the ingredients that help in repairing the skin and helping it recover. Look out for these ingredients when you decide to buy retexturing night cream for men.
Avoid unisex products
Many a times, beauty products available in the market don’t specify. However, that does not mean that they can be used by either of the sxes. Most beauty products in the market are female-oriented, whether specified so or not. Men have a different skin composition as compared to women and therefore, need separate products. So you can’t use your mom’s under eye cream or your girlfriend’s night cream, you have to buy retexturing night cream for men, if it has to be used by a man. Why is that so? Read the next point.
Use men specific products
The facial skin of a man is very different from a woman’s. It is approximately 20% thicker than the female skin and contains more collagen. Men also have more pores as they have more sebaceous glands, which doubles up the sebum production in the male skin. Even though signs of ageing appear much later for men, but once they come, changes occur more quickly. Plus, daily shaving makes the skin distressed as it removes the uppermost layer of the cells, making it sensitive to external threats.
Be regular
There is a reason why it’s called a daily beauty regimen and not a weekly or monthly beauty schedule. Once you, for yourself, buy retexturing night cream for men, be it the best night cream for men available in the market, it will only work once it has been combined into a well-structured and regularly followed beauty routine. Always remember that a beauty regimen is a multi-step process which includes cleansing, toning and moisturising. Combine your night cream with a good serum or under eye cream to create the skin care regimen your skin needs.
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